Saturday, October 10, 2009

Subcutaneous something under kitten's right foreleg?

I have a 3-month old kitten, and the other night I was rubbing her stomach and felt a small circular something under her right foreleg, almost near her armpit. It doesn't feel like a lump or a tumor, and it rolls around a bit under the skin; it almost feels like a microchip (my dog has one), but it's perfectly round, the dog's is more like a grain of rice. I'm taking her to the vet this weekend, but I'm curious if anyone has any idea what this could be. She's in excellent health and eating fine, her stools are fine, also.

She was just at the vet's last weekend for a "new kitten" check-up and he said all was fine, abdomen check, etc. Apparently he missed this...whatever it is. Thoughts?
Subcutaneous something under kitten's right foreleg?
This sounds like an inflamation of the lymph nodes. Is it only on this one side or do you feel it on the other side as well?

I would check the other lymph nodes to see if there is any other inflamation. The other lymph nodes are located at the base of the chin where it meets the neck on each side and at the front of the shoulders (top of legs in the front).

Inflammation of the lymph nodes can be caused by several factors - infection, cancer or inflammation due to a foreign body.

I would take her back to the vet asap and get it biopsied. She may be fine right now, but if it's an infection or cancer, it can move quickly and change her condition rapidly. Better safe than sorry.
Subcutaneous something under kitten's right foreleg?
I would have to guess it would be a lipoma, a lipoma is a fatty tumor in the subq area that's squishy and kind of moves around, but I've never heard a cat so young to have one. The best way to find out is to ask your vet to do a fine needle aspirate, where they is stick a needle in the lump to get a few cells and what they do is stain it and look under the microscope to see what cells they pulled out.

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