Friday, October 23, 2009

Skin problem?

I have an area of skin that extends from mid-upper back, down under my arm, to the side of my right breast, that is all of a sudden very, very sensitive. It almost hurts to touch and feels hot to the touch. There is no redness, rash, scratches or pimples, that would explain this. Has anyone ever has anything like this? Any ideas?

Skin problem?
I know it may seem really stupid of me to say, but you're sure it's not a fever? ...Just saying. :P Because whenever I have a fever, my skin becomes extremely sensitive and it sort of hurts to touch, etc. etc.

It's probably not that, but t'was just a suggestion. ;]
Skin problem?
It would depend how long it has been like this, if it has only just started, keep an eye on it, if you have been in contact with anyone with chicken pox, you could be getting shingles. This usually only occurs in one area of the body, if it is shingles, and your symptoms have only just started, you will soon enough get some sort of rash, try not to scratch, and keep area as cool as possible. Visit your gp.

Hope this may be of some help
Reply:im a dermatologist and i have seen this in many of my patients. the reaction may be from your deodorant. have you switched brands lately? :)


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