Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is having a transparent skin hot?

I was wondering whether having a light kindda transparent skin hot? is it hot to be able to see a girl's veins under her skin? i was just wondering;)
Is having a transparent skin hot?
I would prefer transparent/pale skin to over-tanned, wrinkly, skin cancer any day!
Is having a transparent skin hot?
NO WAY. do u mean transparent as in "needs a tan badly"? cause that makes the person look like a ghost. and if u mean just seeing veins-ewww.
Reply:um...NO! i think its gross seeing poeple veins. plus, the trend now is to be tan (even though its unhealthy to tan...luckily i'm tan naturally) whats "chique" now is TAN and GORGEOUS, not PALE and SICKLY! lol!
Reply:Have you seen Hellraiser?
Reply:eww HELL no
Reply:That THIN!!! white skin is not a blessing!!! all YOU GET IS A TON OF Freckle's~~~ I am a true red head~~~ and transparent white skin!!!! IS SO UN-HOT!!!

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