Friday, October 23, 2009

Skin cancer??

ok well i have these small tiny bumps on my arms.they are really tiny and are white in colour at the tip.these bumps have been around for about 3 weeks now. could it just be dry skin cuz i play alot of outdoor sports under the sun?.or could it be a start of skin cancer?
Skin cancer??
It sounds like you have clogged pores on your arms. That's whats causing the white colors at the tips. Exfoliate your arms daily.
Skin cancer??
Don't sound like it, but if it really worries you, see a doctor.
Reply:It depends on your immune system but If I wer u just go to a doctor for proper check-up and thats all I can say. ;)
Reply:indications of cancers are usually large, dark, misshapened moles

They sometimes resemble sores that will not heal %26amp; change shapes.

If they contain white dots within them (Keratin Pearls) the mole is benign (non-cancerous) but a dermatologist would have to assess this since it is difficult to tell with an untrained eye

If you are truely worried, see your family physician and he/she will have to referred you to a local derm.
Reply:We can't see them, so it is best to go to the doctor and see what they have to say.

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