Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How do I treat deep skin/cyst acne?

Lately I've been suffering from large pustule acne below my skin, the kind of acne that you can't pop and doesn't really show up on the surface but still hurts alot. It feels like a bump under the skin when I touch it and they show up on my face, mostly around the forehead area. Does anyone know a way to successfully treat this kind of acne?
How do I treat deep skin/cyst acne?
Well whatever you do, just don't attempt to pop them or force them out. You will severely damage your skin. When I occasionally get one of these nasty bitches I run a clean washcloth under really, really hot water and press it on the cyst. This helps it open up and begins the healing process. You can also steam your face; pour boiling water into a bowl add some mint from the garden (or a herbal mint tea bag), and lean over the bowl for ten Mins with a towel over your head and the bowl. This helps open up the pore. You can also try on the spot acne treatments...But usually you just have to wait it out with these suckers...Good luck!
How do I treat deep skin/cyst acne?
put toothpaste on them at night

i know it sounds crazy but it *usually* works for me
Reply:Go to your skin doctor.
Reply:Exfoliation is really important. What happens with the cyctic type pimples is the oil is trapped in the pore by dead skin cells. Exfoliation once or twice a week should help with the appearance of those type. Using a face wash with Salysic acid in it will help with the bacteria. I use Biore Ice Cleanser and I hardly breakout anymore. It is about $6 and last me about 6 month or more. A little squirt goes along way! Good luck!

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