Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What are symptoms of skin parasites or mites?

After treating my kids with OTC pinworm meds, I noticed my arms, neck, hands (esp knuckles, bends of fingers opposite of palms) looked really sunburned but i didnt go in the sun at all.I also noticed white whisker like stick-ers poking out thruout my arms.I ignored it %26amp; took my dose of Vermox in case I ingested pinworm eggs.That night my hands %26amp; knuckles started burning.I rubbed lotion and thought it was a symptom.Next week had to take vermox agn, this time w/in minutes I flared up red, burning, like acid. I was in tears thinking I had parasites in my arms and hands %26amp; it didnt like the vermox 1 mo. l8r still have it.I notice wite flake like things on my skin. Dr. says i had a rx 2 vermox or pinworms %26amp; gave me Medrol.Day 3 symptoms of meds it should be gone but it isnt. Dr. ignores my concerns and anxiety. I truly believe I have some sort of bug or paasite under my skin. I feel crawling and bite pains esp in the dark. Er cost too much. Dont know what to do. Pls somone give me advice.
What are symptoms of skin parasites or mites?
Well its not that say you have?,your hubby is unaffected.Mites are of the "midge" family.they can breed in your clothes,and make you very itchy.The whiskers are not produced by mites.I really am stumped.The only other thing that I think it would be is bedbugs or sand fleas.Check your hubbys back,legsect. and look for marks on his back and if you have the same marks,throw out the mattress.sand fleas make for an itchy body,and they penatrate the skin in a manner that "Feels" like a bite.Another possibility is that you are allergic to the meds.An allergy perhaps is the culprit.From what you say "within minutes"your hands are just as you desribe them,This is an immune response.dont worry your not nuts.drug allergies are widespread.Tell your doctor that you need an allergy test to whatever he is giving you.I believe that you will find your own answer.
What are symptoms of skin parasites or mites?
The way you describe it, I would say you had an allergic reaction to the Vermox. I've been a nurse for a long time, and I never heard of parasites like what you describe. The Medrol he gave you was to get rid of the allergic reaction. I'd try not to get it on my skin or take it again.
Reply:so sorry to hear this =if Dr won't help =here is an idea =you might not like it though =fill you sink with warm water and add some bleach to it,and put your hands into it =mind you it will sting badly , but will get rid of the little critters =good luck if you do try it
Reply:Go see a dermatologist
Reply:Yes I have heard of morgellons. I saw a special on it on Discovery Health Channel. You need to get into the DR asap because that could really hurt you! Have you had any strangeness in your bowels? That's a symptom of morgellons as well. Someone has to be able to help you sooner than Sept! Could you go to an Urgent Care? Sometimes they are cheaper than the ER.

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