Friday, October 23, 2009

I have a circular rash on my skin. what is is?

the rash started out looking red, like dry skin -- I scratched it and then it appeared to get redder, as is slightly bleeding under the skin. It is a complete circle and very large -- on my breast. i am pregnant. It doesn't hurt but is very obvious. what the hell is it?
I have a circular rash on my skin. what is is?
I am not a doctor, but I will soon be going to school for nursing and it sounds like to me it may be ring worm. It isnt anything very serious, just call your docs office and schedule an appointment and they can give a cream or antibiotics.
I have a circular rash on my skin. what is is?
It could be ringworm. Go to your doctor and see if there is any medicine you can use while pregnant.
Reply:It could be Erypthema Multiformis

Purpurea Haemorrhgica


Have Ferrum Met 30 b.d. * 7 days a homoeopathic Medicine
Reply:It could be a google search for more info. It's easily treatable with OTC creams.
Reply:ring worm....not a real worm so don't worry. you need an antibiotic cream tho, so go to the doctor

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