Friday, October 23, 2009

I have numbness on my skin near my belly button area and right side,?

I have had a Ultra sound as i have a lump on this side (suspect hernia) !!! under the skin
I have numbness on my skin near my belly button area and right side,?
If you have a hernia then the pressure from it presses on the nerves and can cause the numbness.
I have numbness on my skin near my belly button area and right side,?
have you thought about trying acupuncture?
Reply:Hi, When their is a lack of sensation / numbness to the skin this is usually caused by some sort of interruption to the nervous supply ( called neuropathy) . Due to injury or pressure on the nerve pathways supplying that area. Therefore it would seem that your Lump/Hernia is responsible. When it has been dealt with the sensation will return but may take some time to do so. So good luck and hope you get sorted out soon.

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