Friday, October 23, 2009

How can I safely tan my very pale skin?

I am very pale and the skin that is usually hidden under the skin is almost milk white (but hey my bf thinks it's sexy). I would like to get a smidgen of color and was wondering is any of the lotions that have "gentle coloring" would be beneficial. I don't wanna get streaks or look orange. Any suggestions?
How can I safely tan my very pale skin?
Jergens makes a tanning lotion that you build on each day. It works really well and doesn't make you "cheeto orange".
How can I safely tan my very pale skin?
buy some brown spray paint.

~xoxo~ preppygurl~xoxo~
Reply:There is a bed called the Matrix which is a UVB free bed that is the ONLY safe bed for fair skinned people. You get a good tan and only have to go once a week to maintain. You absolutely cannot burn in this bed. It is semi expensive anywhere from 20-49 dollars a session in the town I live in. Don't use a regular bed because it is horrible on your skin and you will burn several times the first few times you go. Instead of a regular sunburn you get horrible itchiness and burning everywhere that was exposed. I would definitely check and see if anyone in your area has a Matrix bed. You also cannot use sunscreen in a bed you can only use accelerating lotions approved by the management which they sell at the salon. The reccomended times for regular beds vary but they all state the following for fair skin: We Do Not reccommend tanning for this skin type.

Or do what I do...lay out by the pool with some spf on you will still tan and not burn.
Reply:There are lots of lotions on the market these days for those of us girls that weren't blessed with golden skin and don't want to damage it with the sun's harmful rays. They give a natural glow with no orange color. It's nice to know that your guy loves your white skin. Mine does too. ;)
Reply:i just recently purchased a product from HSN called tan towels. They were only 32.00 for a large bag of them . They come individually wrapped and some are larger than others depending how much of your body you want to tan. The color is even and beautiful. I think it works with your own skin tone. Never been happier or looked healthier. Oh, the 32.00 covered shipping and handling also. check into it , hope you like it as much as I do.
Reply:You can buy a Nuetrogena tan spray I heard it works, you should try it the color looks nice and it looks real.

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