Friday, October 23, 2009

Blue/Greyish mark underneath my skin, what is it?

I have a small round (about the size of a coin) blue mark under my skin on my lower back, little worried as its not going away. It has a slight lump, any ideas?

Its not a bruise, it has been there for months, a doc told me it was a non cancerous cyst and it would go away, its showing no signs of going still...
Blue/Greyish mark underneath my skin, what is it?
How long ago did the doc tell you it would go away? Did he do tests on it? If you are concerned still go see the doc again and tell him/her that you are worried and would like some tests to be run on it.
Blue/Greyish mark underneath my skin, what is it?
you might be turning into a fish
Reply:Pop It !

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