Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How do I get rid of those "deoderant balls" under my arm?

I have balls under my skin that I thought was some kind of infection. But my sister told me that many people get them and they are caused by deoderant. How do I get them out from under my arm without squeezing them through my skin? And how do I make them stay away?
How do I get rid of those "deoderant balls" under my arm?
I have had this problem. Dont squeeze! The "deodorant balls" will go away on their own. First, when you shave, do it at night, this allows the pores to close a little before having deodorant applied. Second, get a spray deodorant and use this for a while. Always wash with warm water and lots of soap (duh right?) The balls are caused by the rubbing of the deodorant on pores that are open either from shaving or just getting out of a warm shower. You can also try putting a cold compress under your arm to close the pores before applying the deodorant. If you don't like spray deodorant use a roll on liquid deodorant. I dont recommend going back to a stick deodorant unless you can find a softer version.
How do I get rid of those "deoderant balls" under my arm?
I'm sorry but I have never ever heard of them in my whole intire life. They sound gross no offence. Yuck!

Just try using a different deoderant like gel ones. Thats all I gotta say.
Reply:this usually happens if ur armpits are hairy
Reply:Actually they could be in grown hair. These could be painful. Try not shaving (I know that may sound gross) for a few days and try to exfoliate the area when you shower. Get a new razor and becareful when you shave. I've always heard you should shave against the grain to prevent in grown hairs
Reply:you aren't suppose to use the same deodarant as anyone else, you can get some kind of infection...but i would definitely see a doctor about this i've never heard of anything like it and it sounds pretty serious.

i hope everything goes well. good luck to you
Reply:If these little lumps hurt, you could have a small skin infection, and yes, it could be caused by the type of depdorant you're using. My best suggestion is to see a dermatologist. If you do have an infection, you will need to take an antibiotic to get rid of it.

Don't fool around with them. I had 3 turn into boils under my arm - and it was because I shaved, used baby powder and deodorant and the skin got infected. I had to soak the skin with hot water compresses (or a hot damp facecloth) and then the doctor had to lance them to get them to drain. Talk about PAIN and yucky, too!

I should have just gone to see a dermatologist when I first noticed them.

Good luck - and don't just ignore them and hope they'll go away on their own.
Reply:i dont kno wat you are talking about but u might want to go without deordinet for awhile i mean only if u dont sweat or stink cuz it is the winter they might go away if u give them the chance to, like keep the area clean %26amp; free
Reply:Are you growing underarm hair and are you shaving it? If so, they may be ingrown hairs. They could also be a reaction to using some types of anti-perspirants. Try a different brand for a while and see if it helps. If the bumps aren't geting bigger and aren't oozing anything, then the problem is really cosmetic.
Reply:Is it possible you have skin tags? Skin Tags are little pieces of excess skin, and they're common on the underarms. I am not sure if you're suppose to do this, but i cut one of them off. they look like this--

Gross looking, huh?

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