Friday, October 23, 2009

I have this genital skin problem, any solution??

I have this genital problem for two years. Everyday I notice a thin layer of something white under the skin of penis and on the tip of penis which cause itiching. Though I wash it regularly but it appears again next day. Can anyone suggest me a home-made remedy.
I have this genital skin problem, any solution??
Sounds like a male yeast infection. Go to the doc... or try some monistat 7..LMAOO

And use a condom next time!!

PS... the body normally does this... even on a woman... but if it is excessive.. and smells... see a DOC.
I have this genital skin problem, any solution??
Apply virgin Coco nut oil and do yoga ( Pranayama ) regularly.
Reply:It sounds to me like you have some form of bacteria or fungus on your genital area. You need some antifungal cream and if that does not work try consulting a doctor it my be something your allergic to or some form of STD.
Reply:Man, don't experiment with creams and lotions. Consult a doctor and get appropriate remedy.
Reply:go to a dermatologist

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