Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Im a little worried....can anybody give me some info on skin cancer?

My boyfriend works construction and is in the sun a lot. Recently a weird mark appeared on the back of his neck, it is oval shaped and looks like a group of blisters, only they are not blisters.(when you touch them it feels like rough dry skin) Im worried that it could be skin cancer. He also has a bunch of hard tiny knots under his skin around his neck and shoulders. There's maybe 10 of them. What is the most common type of skin cancer? Is skin cancer very treatable if caught early? I'm really worried about this.
Im a little worried....can anybody give me some info on skin cancer?
It might be nothing.. but its always best to go check with a specialist/doctor.

Check the link below for additional info
Im a little worried....can anybody give me some info on skin cancer?
He should see a real doctor, an MD, a skin doctor called a dermatologist.

Reply:He should go to a doctor asap and have it checked. If its nothing then you both have peace of mind. If it turns out to be cancer, I think in most cases it is not fatal and can be cured if caught early enough.
Reply:I do not think this is a skin cancer. it is somelike a dryness in skin

the cancer need so long time to appear and the patient will face

other problems before getting that (weird mark).

I hope he will be OK.


Reply:It seems that your boy friend has acitinic keratosis, a precancerous condition. That can be removed.

Skin cancer can also be treated if caught early.

Have no worry.

Please read more here.
Reply:my husband had skin cancer removed a few months ago, he is only 22 and had had this weird thing on his neck since he was 19. It was called basal cell carcinoma and can kill you over a span of 30 years - so he was lucky to have that one. There are about 4 types of skin cancer, the other three are life threatening on a quicker scale by spreading to other organs, so have your bloke see a dermatologist IMMEDIETLY. Its simple to treat, they just numb his neck with a needle and cut his neck open and cut it out, sew up the muscle and sew up the skin. my hubby has a big scar across his neck and had 15 stitches on outside and 15 inside. it can all be done while hes awake too. i hope your man is ok and keep us posted!
Reply:He should see the doctor.

I just had a melanoma (skin cancer) removed from my arm - a mole had turned red and gotten lumpy and bumpy. I now have a 2 inch round divit that is 1/2 inch deep trying to heal.

He shouldn't delay - to be told it's nothing over getting a phone call that says you've got cancer.

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