Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My 4 month baby has a small growth under her arm?

I called the doctor and he said it's a reaction to the vaccination and I shouldn't worry about it. But of course I do. It's like she has a pea under her skin. Or a zit under the skin. It's hard and round. It doesn't seem to be painfull, and she seems normal and happy. Any of you with kids ever experienced this? Is it serious? Should I be worried? The doctor said that if it becomes painfull or doesn't start to disappear in a week to call again and make an appointment. Should I make an appointment before that? Thanks for your help.
My 4 month baby has a small growth under her arm?
My daughter did experience this and i too was overwhelmed with fear but like the doctor told me it went away in less than a week give it a week and see what happens and i just left it alone and it went away.
My 4 month baby has a small growth under her arm?
All is possible, but you cant count out a cyst or tumor.
Reply:Yes, my son had the same thing 2 times on his leg after receiving vaccinations, but it was actually even larger than a pea...more like a half of a grape. Did your baby have the vaccines shot into her arm? If yes, then it's definitely a reaction. Listen to the advice of your doctor, unless you feel that it's getting worse, painful, or you just need some reassurance. That is what they get paid for! Best wishes!

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