Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Something on my skin?

I have a bump on my shoulder...has a hole in hole..lik a needle size not to big. Green under neath in the hole

Something on my skin?
Something on my skin?
i don't know ask the doctor
Reply:Go to a dermatoligist!
Reply:Sounds like it could be an infected blackhead. Or it could be puss under it. Use very warm washcloth on it and see if you can squeeze it gently. Be sure to clean it out well if it "pops".
Reply:sounds like a boil? Does it hurt? if so try applying a warm compress on it and see if it drains out. Green is NOT a good sign, so I would recommend seeing someone about it!
Reply:spider bite soak hot water and salt--?
Reply:Sounds like super deep black head, or as I call them black holes. They tend to refill in just a couple days because the pore is so big. You need to get the black head out of it, put some peroxide and alcohol on it, and then to prevent it from refilling get some of that pore refiner, or reducer stuff you can buy in the acne area of any grocery store.
Reply:sounds like a spider bite to me.... go to the doctor
Reply:Really can't say what it is, but you can go to a doctor and have it looked at just to be safe. Just keep an eye on it until seen by your doctor. Watch for any change in appearance, any pain, or even discharge at the site. Not sure if you got bit by something or if it is a odd growth or lesion. Just go and have it looked at and treated if need be by a doctor. You can even go to a dermatologist that specializes in skin problems.
Reply:I dont know what this is, sound like a cyst, but if it was mine I would dig it up.
Reply:It DEFINITELY sounds like a brown recluse spider bite. You should go see your doctor tomorrow for antibiotics. Do not pick at it!

The bite mark could get quite large before it heals. The antibiotics will not stop the bite from getting larger, but is necessary to prevent infection of the wound.

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