Friday, October 23, 2009

Someone who knows about serious skin conditions--help!?

A few days ago I noticed a tender spot on my chin, and figured I was getting a pimple. I kept my face clear of makeup all weekend and washed well (which I always do when I'm forming a zit.). Yesterday night, I took a good look in the mirror and the tender spot had gotten surprisingly red, very hard, and had grown to the size of a pea! I have had problems before with sebaceous cyst pimples, the real hard kind that stay under the skin and don't go away quick. I figured that's what I was dealing with. This morning, I woke up glands were swollen and it hurt to even talk. I looked in the mirror and there are 4 tiny white heads. When I showed my mom, she said from the looks of it, it's a carbuncle? She also told me that's most likely why my glands are swollen, and why I'm feeling sick. How did I get this? Why is it affecting my health so much? How can I make it go away? I don't have insurance, and I read that they sometimes they need to be surgically!
Someone who knows about serious skin conditions--help!?
If it is a carbuncle, or boil, it may need to be lanced. Wouldn't really call it surgery though, it can be done in the doc's office. It probably affected your glands because of where it is, there are glands right under your chin, so those swelled up to try to fight the infection. If it is hard, red, causing a fever, has red streaks running from it, any of those things, you do need to see a doctor, it can get serious. You could go to Primacare or one of those places.
Someone who knows about serious skin conditions--help!?
You should read at:

I have had such "cystic" conditions "lanced", myself, and I finally found the med, (DMSO + Fluconazole), that cures the "root cause" of these conditions.

God Bless

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