Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is the hard lump under a recent facial wound which was stitched?

After a recent fall, I have been left with a very hard lump under the skin. It sits just under and to the side of the scar. It feels like bone and is on top of my brow bone to the side of my eye. Can anyone suggest what it may be, is it scar tissue, will it disappear. It was suggested it was calcified blood but I didn't know that this could happen to blood. Any suggestions please.
What is the hard lump under a recent facial wound which was stitched?
Typically after having a major cut with sutures, you will develop scar tissue under that area. It can appear as a hard lump. Scar tissue does not usually go away but if it is a large amount it can be surgically removed. If you are concerned that it is not scar tissue have your doctor take a look at it to make sure.
What is the hard lump under a recent facial wound which was stitched?
It is scar tissue and yes it should disappear
Reply:It is most likely scar tissue. It cold be debris from the fall (if debris was involved) but I'm sure whoever stitched it up would have cleaned the wound thoroughly beforehand. As for bone, highly unlikely.
Reply:It could be the beginning of an abscess. Ask your doc.

It can also be the normal aftermath of an injury. When injured, blood can pool under the skin. Macrophages speed to the area to clean up the injury at the cell level. This causes swelling ... it can cause minor heat and inflammation. These tactics are the body's defenses and cause healing.

Increasing hardness, redness or heat, especially with fever, can indicate infection-- an abscess.


PS Scar tissue does NOT develop immediately.... or for weeks.
Reply:it is most likely scar tissue. this is assuming that any form of fracture was ruled out by your doctor. If you are worried go to a walk in centre and ask them to take a look

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