Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Strange lump under my ear, pain in my neck...?

Lately I have been experiencing an annoying pain, just under my right ear. It spreads through my entire right side of my neck. I felt the area lately, and it felt like a small undeveloped pimple or something, but under the skin. Help?!
Strange lump under my ear, pain in my neck...?
I don't want to scare you, but you should have that checked out as soon as you can by an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. The longer you wait the more severe it can be. Case in point:

About eight months ago I found a small lump under my left jaw, about the size of a pecan and I thought it was a tonsil from where it was located. So I left it alone and waited. Then about two months ago I began to get sick with a respiratory infections and the lump grew to the size of a baseball, no kidding. So I went to my doctor and he told me to see my dentist because he thought I had an impacted wisdom tooth. So I went to my dentist and he said that no, I didn't. After that I went BACK to my doctor and he sent me to and ENT (ear nose and throat) and after a biopsy and a cat scan it's determined that it's a branchial cleft cyst. Now I have to have surgery on my neck to have it removed.

So, like I said, not meaning to scare you, but I'd have that checked out ASAP. If you think you don't have the money to do it, most doctors will accept partial payments and work out a payment plan. It's worth it.
Strange lump under my ear, pain in my neck...?
It could be a symptom of a primary complex. Better have your lungs checked either by PPD ,x-ray or both.
Reply:it could be an infected lymph node. see a Dr. with your concerns. hopefully it's just a nasty pimple. good luck to you.

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