Friday, October 23, 2009

I seem to get alot of boils under my breasts and between my thighs, any ideas how to avoid them ?

I seem to get alot of boils under / on my breasts and between my thighs. I know they are associated with diabetes but not so in my case. I shower every day, but of course this does not prevent them. They grow hard and painful under the skin, marble sized to walnut size but never come to a head. What is going on and why me ? Thanks.
I seem to get alot of boils under my breasts and between my thighs, any ideas how to avoid them ?
So sorry to hear that you have to go through this. Boils are very painful and I've had them for over 5 years now in the same places you mentioned. In order for them to feel better you'll have to use a warm compress, sit with your legs spread eagle (looks funny but works) or hold your breast up (wherever the boil is) and keep the compress on it. Do that for about 3 days and it should come to a head then pop on its own. Once it does, make sure you have a covering on it because it will make a mess if you don't. That is when the boil will drain and you'll feel relief instantly once that happens.

Although what I wrote above will make it feel better you still need to see a dermatologist for them to give you the proper antibiotics. If you have a "fresh" boil, they can drain it and take a culture to see what type of infection you have. Once the infection is gone then use Hibiclens soap (you can find it in any drug store) it's in a small blue bottle (like peroxide) when you take a shower. I've been using it and haven't had any boils since. Just be careful to only use it from your shoulders down. Use it under your breasts as well so those don't come back.

I hope this information helps. Any other info you might need on the subject feel free to e-mail me. Good Luck to you!!
I seem to get alot of boils under my breasts and between my thighs, any ideas how to avoid them ?
Recurring "boils" in the armpit, groin, inner thighs and butt are a sign of Hidradenitis Suppurativa. You can check out for more info. Report It

Reply:Sounds like you need to go get them treated by the doc with antibiotics. Boils like acne are cased by the staph bacteria. Since you get a lot of them you need antibiotics to get the staph bacteria under control so help prevent them.
Reply:OK i also have this problem there are many reasons for this. mine is i am all ways run down and also have polytheistic ovary's. also it can be coursed from being over weight go see your doctor please as they can become dangerous
Reply:I get them between my legs also, and I put baby powder and creme because I thought it came from sweat and heat and I get them because I am overweight by 40lbs and when I lose the weight I don't get them.
Reply:I totally understand what you are going through :( Recurrent boils are super annoying and painful. I get them all the time and so does my daughter. It's common to spread Staph among family members. I even recently had to have one surgically removed. My advice to you (from our doctor): Take bleach baths. You fill the tub halfway with lukewarm water, then add one cup of bleach. Lay in it for 3-5 minutes (be sure not to get any on the face) then wash your entire body with Lever 2000 soap. This only needs to be done every 3-4 days and can be done for as long as a year if necessary. I hope this helps you!!

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