Friday, October 23, 2009

Is there any way to stop tanned skin peeling?

i get quite tanned on holiday but once im home a week or so it starts to peel and under it i am left with my normal skin colour. this looks terrible. is there anyway i can prevent peeling?

Thanks x
Is there any way to stop tanned skin peeling?
no i am sorry.

you see when we tan this means that our skin is getting old because of all this sun hitting on it.

if your skin gets old then your organism has to get rid of this old skin. and this why it peels.

so now you pick if you want to get burned in the sun and then peel and have to colors on your skin or if you put sun lotion to protect you from this.

it is your choice.
Is there any way to stop tanned skin peeling?
keep it my opinion the best way to do that is to keep cocoa butter on ur skin
Reply:Put lots of moisturizer on your skin...Morning and night.
Reply:its prolly peeling cuz u got sunburned b4 try using better sunscreen
Reply:use aloe vera gel, It will stop your skin from peeling and sooth the peeling skin.

before you tan, after you tan, and everytime you get out of the shower.

slather on lotion!

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