Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have white spots on the under side of my penis, i have been tested for sti/d's and im clear...?

A friend told me that they are fat deposits, is this true? or summat else? or is this normal and nothing to worry about?

They are like white heads but more under the skin, if you squeeze one a little bit of white comes out but not any more cuz its hard under the skin.

Im not being nasty or disgusting im asking a genuine question.
I have white spots on the under side of my penis, i have been tested for sti/d's and im clear...?
a lot of men have little spots under the skin, i dont know what causes it, but if youve had tests that are clear, i wouldnt worry
I have white spots on the under side of my penis, i have been tested for sti/d's and im clear...?
not sure on this one but the penis has smegma gland's (cheesey glands if you like)they could be producing to much or be blocked?i would go and see your gp for some advice!!!
Reply:you have malignant lumps under your skin which are caused by cells clumping together and not growing normally. this can only be remedied by a visit to your doctor who will refer you to a sepcialist.

it can be serious as they could get infected and need surgical removal which you wont want. and could lower sexual enjoyment in the future

take care
Reply:THIS IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. They are perfectly normal. Most, if not all men, have them. DON'T SQUEEZE THEM. Just leave them there and they'll be fine.
Reply:Spots on the penis

Written by Dr John Dean, specialist in sexual medicine

Men are understandably concerned when they notice spots on the penis. They are frequently worried they may have a sexually transmitted disease or some form of cancer. They may equally be worried about the appearance of their penis and what their sexual partner might think of it.

Are they common?

Spots on the penis are very common and most do not have a serious cause. However, some do and it is important to seek prompt medical advice if you are concerned.

This article describes some of the causes of spots on the penis, but reading it and examining your own penis is no substitute for examination by a doctor!

What should I do?

Unless you think you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD), the first place to seek advice about spots on the penis is from your GP.

If you are too embarrassed to discuss it with your family doctor, or think you might have an STD, you can seek confidential advice from your local genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinic. You don't need a referral letter from your GP, but it is advisable to first telephone the clinic for more information.

In the UK, they are usually listed in the telephone directory under 'Health Service' or 'Hospitals'.

Types of spots

Spots on the penis can be divided into groups according to their appearance.

Ulcers: ulcers appear as craters on the skin and represent a full-thickness loss of skin (epidermis). There is frequently a crust, clear liquid (serum) or pus in the crater.

Papules: papules are small (less than 1cm diameter) lesions (lumps) raised above the skin surface.

Plaques: plaques are raised, flat-topped lesions, greater than 1cm in diameter.

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