Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have a small popped blood vessel on my skin on my face. Does anyone know how to treat this?

I've had a small popped blood vessel on my arm (about the size of a pencil head) for years and years (I'm 22 years old). I don't recall any injury that could have caused it and I've generally thought nothing of it. Recently though, I literally woke up one day to find another small (pencil-head sized) popped blood vessel under the skin on my face. It's simply a small red dot that just "appeared" under my skin, with no trauma or any other causes that I can recall. It's driving me crazy--I notice it every day and it makes me feel like an old woman (no offense to anyone--but come on--I'm 22!). Does anyone know what causes these popped blood vessels and how I can possibly get rid of them? Is this something hereditary that I'll continue getting?
I have a small popped blood vessel on my skin on my face. Does anyone know how to treat this?
What you describe is called petuchaie, most likely. The vessel hasn't really popped, it's just engorged and gotten close enough to the surface to see. They often appear in pregnant women due to the increased blood volume during pregnancy, and most go away after the baby is born. Folks with high blood pressure often develop them as well, due to the elevated pressure, and they also go away once the pressure drops. They do also occur for odd reasons, usually undetermined, and are of no particular significance- your kind most likely. A dermatologist can zap them with a low level laser and make them fade, once they determine there is no other health concern. It's not cheap, but it is effective. And yes, it likely has a certain genetic component, just like freckles.

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