Saturday, October 10, 2009

Odd skin bumps?

i've noticed tiny red dots just under the skin, about the size of a pinhead. they are not painful, just odd. ever seen something like that?
Odd skin bumps?
sounds like capillaries to me, those are tiny clumps of blood veins just under the skin. I would not worry about them unless you have some sort of problem, which i highly doubt you will.

we all have them, some are just more visible than others....your skin is apparently light in tone or thin. No problem there at all, in fact it is normal if capillaries is what they are.
Odd skin bumps?
No, and I doubt most people have becuase that description is pretty vague. Even so, you should hit up the dermo.
Reply:maybe you have a lack of lactic acid
Reply:Get this stuff from Wal-mart called Aquaphor...its kind of gross but It'll clear it right up!
Reply:Yes, you probably scratched yourself in your sleep. I would'nt worry unless it itches or the spot is very large. Just watch it and if you get other symptoms go to the Dr.
Reply:Yes, they're called petechiae. They're common, but can also be the sign of a serious infection.

I got them on my legs, trunk and face when I had endocarditits.
Reply:try a dermatologist and see what they are.
Reply:it could be ingrown hair from shaving, if you pick at it and find a hair hiding under there then that's what it is!


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