Saturday, October 10, 2009

Skin help!!?

i don't have acne, but i get individual pimples and a lot of the time they are under the skin but you can still see them! and i also have little bumps that look like pimples are probably are but they are only noticeable by touch. i don't know how to fix this! and when i wash my face more it seems to get worse. any advice on what to do?
Skin help!!?
Hi! I think a major part of the problem is you need to exfoliate! Doing so will help open up those pores and allow the AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) into the skin to keep those pores opened and not clogged. Those tiny little bumps you can feel are nothing more then tiny little pores with gunk in them. Also, don't over wash because then your skin will become stripped of the essential moisture it needs and will over compensate by producing MORE oil...not what you want. Something gentle just to get the dirt off would work and then exfoliate. Always make sure you use a scrub that is gentle (The Art of Shaving works wonders!) and you start with a clean face otherwise you will just push the dirt on your face into the pores that you just cleaned...not good! And a light moisturizer on your dry spots and you will be good as new!

Oh, one more thing, for the pimples you already have, try just using a spot cream on them, perhaps a clear one and they should dry up soon. And honestly, most people don't even notice them so don't think twice. Just flash a smile and pretend you don't even care!

Good luck!
Skin help!!?
What are u using to wash? You need to use something gentle like Cetaphil. Overwashing will make the mater worse. Try some benzol peroxide lotion 10%. Just wash your face twice a day, morning and night.
Reply:you may want to change the skin care line you are using.... this could cause you to break out. but if that doesn't seem to be the problem, you could be eating bad foods that are not good for your skin. i would suggest seeing proffesional help (dermatoligist) who would be able to suggest a product or way to get rid of the pimples. hope i helped!
Reply:Try getting a 100% pure Aloe Vera gel and rub them onto your pimples as soon as you feel the bump, keep applying the gel no matter what.

Aloe Vera is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial ingredient that may help reduce the redness and hopefully help to heal the area faster.
Reply:See a dermatologist immediately...until then use Cetaphil to wash your sounds like razor bumps to me though but i don't know if you shave or not
Reply:This works to get rid of pesky zits really fast...for me. When a juicy one show’s it’s ugly white (any facial zit really) face (Mmm) I pop it. Then I wash the area with a baby wipe (or whatever….make it all clean) and apply Benzac AC 5. It’s just a benzoyle peroxide gel of 5% that anyone can get at a drug store. I do that a couple times a day. It can be drying so I do use a moisturizer. Since the gel kills the acne causing bacteria, we are no longer dealing with a zit. What we have is a little open sore. Yes, gross. So I cleanse the area and apply an antibiotic such as Polysporin. I use the Polysporin until the “zit” is no longer visible. Basically, a zit that left unattended could last up to 3 weeks has now been chopped down to 3 or 4 days.
Reply:It's good that you are washing your face but make sure you get a cleanser for oily skin it has to be for oily skin so you are shine free and what the oil does when it gets to the surface is it attracts more dirt, makeup build up, and other debris and the causes your pores to get all clogged of the bacteria and you get pimples. If you are not using a toner I suggest you get a toner. Why you need to use this because it removes all remaining traces of cleanser. It closes your pores and wipes off what the cleanser could not wash off. It also restores your skin to a normal and balanced pH level, making it receptive to the next important step.And the next step is Moisturizing. moisturisers are designed to provide just the right amount of hydration whether your skin is dry or oily. Many contain specially-formulated complexes and have all been tested on sensitive skin. However, if sensitivities still exist, a formula without SPF is offered.
Reply:well you can try a wonderful herbal skin care product biotique morning nectar

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