Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is it a disease or skin condition?

My partner has had this thing on his thumb, for almost 2 years now. He has also had it on the sole of his foot. I need some help trying to indentifying it as he is too stuborn to go to the doctors.

It starts off as very small clusters of blisters under the skin(not on top) they then seem to burst splitting open his skin.

His skin becomes dry and cracked and bleeds quite often, it also spreads quite rapidly. He also loses some of the flesh in his thumb as it appears to be going thinner, i can squeeze his thumb and it doesnt bounce back like it should.

Hes had this on his feet also but it has gone. He has used Hydrocortisone (or whatever its called lol) which didnt work and has managed to keep it at bay using tcp but it always comes back, it also smells a little.

Hes very hygenic, so please dont say he has a hygene problem.

Can anyone please help me identify this
Is it a disease or skin condition?
Sounds like Athlete's foot which is caused by a fungus. Athlete's foot can spread to other parts of the body than the feet. The hydrocortisone will not help because it is not an anti-fungal. He could try an over the counter anti-fungal cream. If it doesn't improve within a week or two, he does need to see a doctor. Recurring fungal infections can also be a symptom of diabetes or other circulatory problems.
Is it a disease or skin condition?
Reply:The herpes.
Reply:He definitely needs to see the doctor. Use your lovely feminine wiles to get him there :-)
Reply:Tell him to go the doctors or he'll have no thumb...

Also tell him not ot irritate it, it could be a severe dermatological disease or it could be something mild like scabies...

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