Saturday, October 10, 2009

Im under pressure, and stressed out, what to do?

im a 16 year old average teenager, and for the past couple weeks this guy i used to be friends with has randomly texted me things like "******" and "are you gay", which im not. theyre really starting to piss me off and get under my skin. im under pressure and i cant calm down. what are some things i could do to make him understand that what he does to me doesnt phase me, and to just f*ck off. what are some things i could do to make myself feel better, what are some good comebacks when people say "are you gay". im angry, please help me, the stress and pressure are killing me
Im under pressure, and stressed out, what to do?
You can block him on your phone, or just shut off the texting option...

Try not to let immature bullies bother you... I know it's hard, but they are probably just teasing you because they are jealous of some quality you have that they don't...
Im under pressure, and stressed out, what to do?
relax, don't take it so seriously

ignore them

Reply:To something like that........ No answer is the best answer...... Trust me just let it go........ That will bug him the most....
Reply:if you over react, they might really think you i suggest you to just relax. you dont need to take it seriously
Reply:if your stressing so much about this it obviously "phases" you at least a little.

when people do stuff the me that i "don't care about" i try to just ignore it. I'm around your age as well and i've found that it isn't worth it to care what people your not even friends with think. If your happy with your life and the people you've surrounded yourself with ask your self these..

why should i care what someone who's not my friend thinks?

if what they say isn't true and i know that about myself why should i let it get me down?

just focus on the people who care about you and are actually friends with you. this guy isn't worth your time. if you continue reciving texts from him and they continue to upset you, deleate the texts before you get a chance to read them. In this situation it doesn't matter what this guy is telling you, you might as well not listen to what he has to say.

hopefully that helps :)
Reply:if people ask you if you're gay - look at them as if you're confused at why they're asking, and calmly reply "no, are you?" that will catch them off guard and maybe even put them on the spot. - as for the dude texting you- ignore him COMPLETELY- and get on with your life. OR you could play a joke on him too- get one of your chick friends - or your sister - or whoever - to write him an anonymous love letter from a guy named ramon and stick it on his locker for all to see.
Reply:First calm down. Your not gay. This guy is just being an asshole. Tell your parents, teacher, principal about this kid. Don't see this as a weakness. It is very important that you should tell an adult. I also suggest to exercise to relieve the stress. It worked for me.

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