Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why does my skin secrete this fluid?

My finger has this dry area on its base. It's really dry and it has cracks around it. It's rougher than the rest of the fingers and when you peel it, it secretes some sort of fluid. It has these holes under the skin, too where the fluid seems to come from and it has a small wound.

When I leave it alone, it has a yellowish streak across the finger after the peeled skin regrows. Applying lotion doesn't do anything.
Why does my skin secrete this fluid?
It sounds like eczema. Does it itch or is it red at all? If so try an otc cream like Cortaid. And see a doc, preferably a dermatologist to get a prescription cream for it.
Why does my skin secrete this fluid?
I have the exact same thing on my hands. I'm an adult now, but it started when I was about 11 years old. Do not pop the blister like pockets under the skin. Do not use scented lotions, wash your hands with a soap called Cetaphil. Good luck. Report It

Reply:It's infected time to go too the doctor.
Reply:sounds like an infection. you're dr can prescribe an antibiotic to treat it.
Reply:go to a doctor, when you upset the skin it responds with a clear fluid if you arent deep enough to draw blood. but the streak and fact that the skin is abnormal leads me to believe something needs medically treated.
Reply:look up skin candida. sounds ike you have a spot of athletes feet on your finger.
Reply:these are the features of contact dermatitis, do you hold briefcase in that hand for a long time or pen,pencil some times material or colour used also causes contact dermatitis, plant bulbs, Zn,Cd, paint ,ginger,garlic are also, write associated feature like pain, burning,itching and also don't forget to write your profession.

Reply:You likely have an infection. Clean the wound with diluted peroxide mix, apply an anti-bacterial like polysporin and cover the wound with a band-aid that fits, or gauze and tape. See a doctor if no improvement in a couple of days.

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