Saturday, October 10, 2009

What is the best way to clear skin from black heads?

I hate them! I seem to get them on my chin and nose. I have not gone to the dermatologist yet, it takes forever to get an appointment with my insurance! I have gone to get a few facials-I'm not sure if that is a smart move or not. They did suggest a face wash that will scrub my skin and remove the dry skin on the surface and leave me with soft, smooth skin. It does that...but I still have black heads. I know they are under the skin so I got one of those metal extractors. Are they safe to use? Will the make it worse?

What is the best way to get rid of those nasty lil buggers!? I was with dove soap every morning and the scrubby stuff at night and only moisturize once with aveeno face cream.
What is the best way to clear skin from black heads?
facials are good to get maybe every 6-8 weeks. i wouldn't push it though, and try not to schedule one a week or so before any big events. you definitely want a face wash with an exfoliant in it. something with little scrubbies to get all of the dead skin off. the extractor can be your best friend or your worst enemy. try this, keep it in your medicine cabinet and use it once a month to get all of the black heads out that you can see. make sure you clean it with some rubbing alcohol when you're done, you don't want last months yucky stuff getting on your skin next month. if you pull that thing out every day and use it you'll make a mess out of your face, i know i've done it myself. you also want to get a clarifying toner, or astringent. once a day, or every other day use a cotton ball to swipe it over the oiliest parts of your face, or where you see the most blackheads. it will get down deep into the pores. good luck!
What is the best way to clear skin from black heads?
tooth paste will dry them out!!
Reply:Have moisturing cream then mix it with brown sugar then scrub it throughly where your blackheads are.

I did it yesterday now i feel fresh!!
Reply:i have the same problem. There are salons that will get rid of all of them for you safely. If you are going to use the extractors make sure you wash it with alchol before and after each use and also put some peroxide on your nose when you are dries it out really well.

goodluck. Oh i also use those clear strips for my nose and chin and that helps too

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