Saturday, October 10, 2009

Stressed out skin?

my skin has somehow managed the amazing trick of being incredibly dry, yet studded with that gross kind of under-the-skin zits this week. It's also red, probably because I coated it with persagel last night. Any fixes? I'm not sure to put product on it or just leave it alone. By the way, I'm in my 20's if this helps-it's not teenage acne.
Stressed out skin?
Well Missy start with a facial...steam if you can. No Money? Fill a bowl with boiling water add a few sprigs of your favorite herb place your face over the steam and tent with a towel so that the steam will stay around your face. After the water has cooled remove towel and with out drying face apply a good moisturizer. Do steam every other night but always apply moisturizer every night. Even after your bath. Don't dry face just apply moisturizer.
Stressed out skin?
just keep your face clean, where spf mosturizer and don't where make up that cause's all this. try nutragina cover ups.

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