Saturday, October 10, 2009

The skin on my lower shoulders get itchy, like I'm being attacked by an itch that won't go away!?

This itch that comes out of nowhere is very brutal! It's usually on my left or right lower shoulder area, itches really badly, but no matter how much i scratch at it or lotion it, it doesn't stop! Weird thing is, visibly, there is NOTHING there! Can anyone explain this? It's been keeping me up at night, waking me up and I've had difficulty going back to bed. There are no bumps, red marks, nothing! It's like its under my skin or something!! Has anyone ever heard of this? It's like I wanna cry cause it's so frustrating! PLEASE HELP! Oh, I don't have insurance through my job yet to go see a doctor, and the only dermatologist we have in our area is an hour away and he don't have an available appointment until 2 months from now!! HELP!
The skin on my lower shoulders get itchy, like I'm being attacked by an itch that won't go away!?
it's maybe dermographism. i have that too. it always wakes me up at night. it is due to stress mainly or anything that stresses yuor skin like temperature changes (too hot or too cold), tight or abrasive clothing, if your body is worked up or nervous or excited and alot of other things. dermographism usually goes away after a year or two. i already have this for a year now since i moved here in canada, and it hasnt stopped. anyways, try using anti-histamine tablets like Reactine or anything. ciao!
The skin on my lower shoulders get itchy, like I'm being attacked by an itch that won't go away!?
Is it like the itch is deep down, not on the surface so no matter how much you scratch you can't get to it? I have that in my shoulder blades that are caused from muscles that need to be stretched or exercised

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