Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is there anyway to tell how your skin will react before you lose weight?

I have at least 100 lbs to lose, and I am 52 yrs old. I would love to lose it, but I'm afraid of having massive amounts of hanging skin. I can't afford plastic surgery to get rid of it either. I know I'd be healthier without all this weight, but I can't stand to look at myself naked now, much less having skin hanging down to my knees. Is there a way to know just how bad it might be? I was thinking even a 20-30 lbs loss would be better than nothing, healthwise, and wouldn't cause too much sagging. I was just reading an article on this and the author said that surgery wasn't necessary, that just getting rid of the fat and water under your skin with exercise after a major weight loss would do just takes time. Who is he kidding??? LOL....I know I probably sound vain being more concerned with appearance than health, but all the hanging skin isn't healthy either, it can lead to sores, rashes, infections, all kinds of nastiness. Give me your thoughts, please....Tks!
Is there anyway to tell how your skin will react before you lose weight?
my hubby is losing weight, he was worried about the access skin

but the doc said as long as he does it steadily it will shrink too! He said there may be abit of loose but nothin to really be concerned about! But who knows! I mean everyone is different! Guess we will find out when he's down to where he wants to be! Sorry I wasnt of much help!

As for rashes infections and sores, u just gotta make sure u keep under the loose skin clean and if sweating put powder under to help reduce that! just keep it clean and dry!
Is there anyway to tell how your skin will react before you lose weight?
Well sorry to tell you but the way to prevent the hanging skin is to work out as you are dieting. You also need to make sure the weight is gradual do not lose it too fast or your body will not have the time to adjust. Go on to my pyramid to see what you can do as far as your diet and how to lose the weight. You should also check into seeing a dietitian. Good luck, if you really want it you can do it!!!
Reply:Skin is extremely elastic. As long as you lose weight the correct way (limiting your calories and exercising) your skin will shrink with you.

Also, make sure to incorporate some weight training in your exercise.

And you don't sound vain at all...just realistic!
Reply:Weight loss really only reveals the damage that has already been done (if any). Therefore, you are more likely to have loose skin if it already is damaged by stretch marks. I know lots of people who have lost massive amounts of weights - a few have gone for surgeries , a few with "worse cases" actually were able to get approval for it by insurance, and some live with it because they can be vain, be in size 6, and still look better naked (not perfect with the skin but better).

But, It likely will also not affect the entire body - only some areas if you have any (i.e. belly if you carry weight there). Even with people over 50, I know some who didn't do so bad after major weight loss, a little flap under the arms or cellulite but nothing that 90% of the other women of normal weight don't also have - remember your comparison group isn't 18 year old teens or airbrushed models.

Further, if the loose skin is so bad that it does lead to sores and rashes there are sometimes ways to get it documented and get insurance companies to pay for it - they usually won't - but if it does cause actual health problems - it can be possible to get an except to the policy.
Reply:Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.

U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry. If u loose weight the above way, u will not be loosing it too fast and hence loose skin will not be result.
Reply:Hi. I believe the amount of hanging skin can be minimized with gradual weight lose. The faster you lose the weight the more hanging skin you'll have. I gradually lost 65 lbs over the course of 8 months to a year and I have no sagging skin except for the usual places like tummy and breast. If you need to lose 100lbs you should do it. Illness or death due to the extra weight is not worth it. Besides, speaking from experience, you'll feel better about your appearance when you thinner, even with a little sag. Oh, also, I lifted weights while losing weight and I think the muscle mass help with the sagging skin. Good luck and good health.

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