Thursday, March 11, 2010

Does chlorine water darken skin?

Hi, I have a hispanic skin color and i'm quite conscious. I plan to take up swimming soon. It will be in an outdoor swimming pool, but I'll be taking it up after sunset (under strong floodlights) . Now, what effect will this have on my skin in terms of the color/tan?
Does chlorine water darken skin?
Absolutely not, in fact chlorine is a bleach so actually has the potential to lighten colour. The amount used in a pool is minimal and will not affect your skin tone one way or another, nor will floodlights.
Does chlorine water darken skin?
Nothing! If anything the water will make your skin paler as chlorine is a bleach of sorts. However, outdoor swimming in sunlight WILL darken it!

Can't imagine electric floodlights having any effect though. fact, it bleaches..
Reply:Nope it won't darken your skin , but swimming in the sunshine will hasten a tan... wear lots of lotion.

But since you are swimming at night the only problem with chlorine is that it is really bad on your hair so wear it up or wear a bathing cap.

Floodlights have nothing to do with it..

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