Monday, March 15, 2010

Skin problem NOT ACNE???

Ive had this skin problem for the past 2 months and I was wondering if anyone knew how I could fix it without me having to go to the doctor.

Right under my eyes down close to me cheek bones on both sides of my face my skin is really flaky like. I thought it was just dry skin from the cold but I have treated it with lotion and it is still there. Anyone know of any creams that might get rid of it because I can't get my foundation on smooth now and it's getting on my nerves.


Skin problem NOT ACNE???
sweety here r some home made receipe for u to make which dont cost much:-

Egg and Honey Mask

1. 1 egg

2. 1 teaspoon of honey

3. 1/2 tsp olive oil

4. A few drops of rose water

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and use as a mask.

Egg, honey and Oil Mask #1

1. 1 tablespoon honey,

2. 1 egg yolk,

3. 1/2 teaspoon almond oil

4. 1 tablespoon yogurt.

Mix them well and apply as a mask. This is a very good homemade mask for dry skin. It fulfills all the basic needs. Honey clears and smoothes facial skin, oil penetrates deep and restore the moisture, yogurt tightens any pores, while egg yolk has a nourishing effect.

Egg,Honey and Oil Mask #2

1. 1 egg yolk,

2. 1 teaspoon honey

3. 1 teaspoon olive oil

4. some vitamin E oil.

Mix them welland mask on your face for 15 - 30 minutes.

Egg and Lemon Mask

Mix an egg yolk with a few drops of lime juice and olive oil. Spread on your face and leave it till the skin feels dry. Wash with running water.

Lemon, Honey and Cabbage Mask

Boil some cabbage and mash it well. Now add some honey and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Mix them well and apply on face and neck. Wash awith cold water when it feels dry.


Take a fresh banana, mash well with a fork till there is no lump. Mask your face for fifteen minutes. Olive oil or honey may be added to increase its effectiveness
Skin problem NOT ACNE???
try this link...... its GREAT!!

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