Monday, March 15, 2010

My dog is growing small dark spots in her skin, what's that??

my dog loves the sun and she got sunburn the other day, we no longer let her stay under the sun for long periods of time, but since then, her skin start to grow dark spots,more like gray spots, her skin is already white with gray but this are smalls spots, more like gray dots!!!! should I be worry?
My dog is growing small dark spots in her skin, what's that??
it shouldn't be a problem, my dog has the same thing. but get it checked out by a vet if your worried.
My dog is growing small dark spots in her skin, what's that??
I would call your local vet (this way it won't cost) and ask. Most likely they will tell you to bring her in if they think its bad, but otherwise MOST vets will let you know something you can get over the counter at a grocery store to help. The only things I could find online were about skin cancer, so I wouldn't wait much longer to call. Good luck!

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