Sunday, March 14, 2010

What is up with my skin?!?

I have really oily skin. My hair is also oily, I have to shower or wash my hair everyday. This past month or so I have been getting these breakouts like crazy. I usually don't have like a problematic skin or acne problems. I guess you could say I am under a lil stress/pressure recently due to school and the other... Could it be worsened bc of what I am eating? Should I wash my face more often? I dunno what to do anymore, any suggestions out there. (Proactiv doesn't work for me)
What is up with my skin?!?
I have horrible skin and it's just something genetic I have to deal with. I was advised to stay away from red meat and dairy ( but I don't consume much of that anyway). To get to the point, I've been using retin-A for about 2 weeks now, and I have clearer less oily skin than I have in years. Ask your doctor about it, anything is worth a shot, right?
What is up with my skin?!?
dont scrub hard it makes more oil!
Reply:Drinking lots of plain water should help, and towelling sweat after sports, hot days, and workouts. But it really does come down to hormones. Keep it clean and don't eat too much chocolate or junk. Good luck!
Reply:Murad skincare line works great! Cut back on sugars and bad fats, take a few teaspoons of coconut oil with one meal daily. Also drink noni juice (health food stores)
Reply:well watch the shampoo you use cause it will affect ur face. so try Suave oil free, it doesn't smell bad but not great but works! and with the face thing wash it 2 times a day. use a scrub in the morning then a face wash at night. are you washing ur make-up off at nite? are you using oil free foundation?? rethink every product ur using!
Reply:Look for oily skin face washes specifically, not just stuff like proactiv (doesn't work for me either) I would try not washing your face in the morning and at night, or try skipping a day, you just have to experiment (we are all different) I use burts's bees at night (facial scrub) and Morning Burst in the morning!
Reply:Tea Tree shampoo for your hair- aveda facial wash, and then get facial blotters for the mid day shine. You will be a happy camper!
Reply:I think the stress might be part of the problem, usually when someone is stressed out, they tend to eat a lot, which usually results out in breakouts. I recomeend eating healthier, less fatty or greasy foods (fast food restraunts, pizza, microwave dinners...) and start eating more fruits and vegatables with meals. Keep using proactive, and when you take showers use baby soap. For hair... There are many shampoos that you can use. I'm a guy, so using dandruff shampoo helps keep my hair not oily.

Along with that... I recomeend taking a shower every day. I thought you might have already done that, but you questioned why you would have to take one everyday.

Don't over use any skin cream, use as prescribed and take daily. Try to get more sleep in too! You want to be as healthy as possible.

From a personal experience, during the summer break, I would stay up late, eat junk foods, and not shower for a day or so... Suddenly, those habits mixed in with my age, I got breakouts and oily hair. By following those practices, I quickly got in shape and my breakouts dissapeared. Of course, I am a guy, so conditions may be different... And, I also don't know your case, as some people may breakout more (which is ok! It is just how you deal with them that matters.)

Hope this helps, and that it solves/helps your problem... I'm positive, in fact, that it will help. I'm curious to see what others say...
Reply:Hi there! I supposed its allergy. check this out for more information.. I used to have the same problem of getting oily skin by mid day.

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