Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why does my skin look better at night?

My friend has mentioned that she thinks she looks prettier at night. My skin looks clearer and glowy at late at night (yes under lights) than it does in the afternoon hours. Anyone else?
Why does my skin look better at night?
its her natural gift, but mostly in evening your hair and skin and also mind are in relaxed ,so everything is perfect in that time.

and also for hair care and skin care just in
Why does my skin look better at night?
cause u just took a shower
Reply:i totally identify with you, i have the same problem..which is why i have a problem getting out the house in the morning..its really wild side comes out at night also i feel 10X more confident and i can go up to guys and say anything..but then again im a night person
Reply:You may no like my answer but here goes.

In the Bible there are numerous passages about sin being more abundant in the dark and not liking the light. It is not just talking about the "Light of the world that takes a way sin" meaning Jesus. It is talking about the literal night and the darkness. You know the "prince of the dark". As far as looking better at night, for me it is different not better.
Reply:I think it's the tone or the shade the night gives off that gives skin that pretty look. A lot of things make skin glow. Intercourse, believe it or not, is one of them. Skin reacts to almost anything.

People tend to take risks during the night because no one is out, walking about and completely awake. They have more chances of getting away with whatever scheme or trick they are trying to pull.
Reply:thats just cuz no ones there to see it at night. . . when it doesnt really matter. . its a karma thing. . everythings always better when no ones there to see it
Reply:I think the air and exercise you get all day give your skin a glow.

Compare that to morning skin where you just woke up and were only lieing in the dark all night.

Also the lighting does dramatically change the way your skin looks.

When I apply my make up indoors I check the mirror close to the window to make sure I still look good in the brightness of daylight, which is the harshest. MUCH more harsh than even the lightest of indoor lighting.
Reply:Natural light, ie, from the sun, is brighter and reveals more.

If you open lots of windows and look in a mirror with direct sunlight streaming in, your skin doesn't look as good as when you look in a mirror with a light globe on, and when do you use light globes usually?

Night time!!!
Reply:Honestly i think people avoid light because they think that day light shows more...but i think other types of light show more then full on day light fake lights from lamps...and light from like computers and tv shows alot more then a bright room lit from the sunshine. unless you have like horrible skin.
Reply:comparing light bulbs and the sun, the sun shows everything on you since its real lighting. so of course without that daylight beaming down on you showing every little inperfection you could possibly have, the darkness makes it way better when you compare.

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