Thursday, March 11, 2010

When i was pregnant with my daughter my under arm turned really dark do i get rid of it?

i know it had to do something with the pigment of my skin color or something how a line appears under your belly button ..well yea my under arm got dark too ... and is still after a year .... and no it aint dirt ... what can i do is they a way of getting it back to how it was before back to normal
When i was pregnant with my daughter my under arm turned really dark do i get rid of it?
well, first off, the skin discoloration is actually "normal" for many women during pregnancy. the melanin (pigment) is affected by hormones. if it's been this long, however, you might want to try some over-the-counter skin lightening creams. check out the shelf with hair removal, bleach, and scar reducing products. you might also start taking some vitamin e supplements to help nourish your skin.

good luck!
When i was pregnant with my daughter my under arm turned really dark do i get rid of it?
Believe it or not, Avon has a skin product that evens skin tone and lightens dark pigmentation of the skin. If you need an Avon lady, let me know. I can hook you up.

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