Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weird dry, bumpy skin that doesn't go away?

I have had this odd patch of dry bumpy skin (i can't think of a better way to describe the texture, maybe like extremely soft and fine sandpaper) under the right side of my jawbone for weeks now (could have been months, I'm not sure when i first noticed). The patch starts right where the bottom of my ear lobe meets my jawbone and goes about halfway to my chin and slightly down my neck. It's not itchy, uncomfortable or irritating, and I don't even notice it unless I touch it. It's just...weird. I have tried various lotions and cleansers, but it doesn't go away.

Now today I just noticed a small patch of skin just like it on the upper part of my back, right under my neck.

Like I said, there's no irritation from it, I am just wondering if I should be concerned if it is a possible skin condition, since apparently it is spreading, and also because of it's odd location (under my jawbone...the hell?)

I'll be happy to provide any further information, and any help would be greatly appreciated!
Weird dry, bumpy skin that doesn't go away?
I've had these before and my Dr told me it was a form of dermatitis and nothing to worry about... this was in Australia and he told me to use sorbelene cream it's just cheap and I bought a massive bottle for about $5 at Big W... I now live in the states and haven't found sorbelene cream (haven't really looked properly) but I found Aquaphor Healing ointment by Eucerin (I bought this at Walmart) and that has worked great for me also... my 2 year old daughter has these spots on her belly and back aswell and I use this on her and they're clearing up quiet well.

Give it a go and they should clear up in a week or so... Best of luck

oh also... I wouldn't use any exfoliant on then if they're on your face because it could irritate them and dry them out...
Weird dry, bumpy skin that doesn't go away?
Use aveeno face cream.
Reply:I have that on my arm before but mine didn't spread. Probably just some minor form of psoriasis. Worth getting checked out just to get it cleared up. That's just my opinion.
Reply:belive me only drink alot of liquid alot of water and juices
Reply:I would go see a doctor. but maybe its a form of ringworm. Good Luck
Reply:skin cancer?


i think you should see a dermatologist stat.
Reply:I ONCE DATED A GUY THAT HAD THAT ON HIS looked like you could take a SOS pad too it off....good luck...
Reply:You better drink freshly squeezed vegetable juice for two three months. And use fruits and vegetable's pulp and juice as cream for your skin. You may add a raw egg and milk. Long time ago people did that and I do when no one home. Do not use chemicals as cream. Eat as more vegetables as possible. Stop eating carbohydrates and sugar, sweets. It all what you eat.
Reply:Using Arbonne product can and will take care of your skin form the inside out. You see arbonne products penatrate the skin to remove unwanted acne, scars, age spots, wrinkle fine line, dry skin, oily skin and all those things that give us and unbalanced skin and pores. Arbonne is made by the top skin care chemist in the world and has formulated a proven penatration of the skin using herbs and botanicals of the highest quaility to help with these issues we are formulated in swertherland and made here in the united States to be ordered and delivered right to your door. We have the intellegence's line for skin under 25 and for the ageing skin over 25 we have our awesome nutimin c re9 that is made for men and women we have aromatherapy and vitiamns of the highest quality products on the market today. You see i've been where your at with tring everything i could get my hands on until i came across arbonne which use's no mineral oils no perfumes of dyes to hide unwanted ingredients or lanoline. We are pure safe and botanical with proven results and you can go to my website and order these 100% satifaction products that will come right to your door if you click on my profile and your welcome for someone finially giving you great advice to a great product that works

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