Thursday, March 11, 2010

The effects of stress on skin?

I have always had clear beautiful skin with very few breakouts. Latley however, I have been under a huge amount of stress. I see no end in sight for the stress and my skin is really taking a beating with breakouts. Ive tried everything..oxy...shaving cream...even Proactive, but It burned my face leaving a red rash. Is there any hope for me? How do I clear my skin?
The effects of stress on skin?
I like apricot scrub they make one specialy medicated for acne it may make you break out more for the first few days but after that it really helps cuz it gets of all the dead or lose skin and gets the dirt out

It worked for me

oh and clearasil ultra works really well but once your skin clears up only use it once a day or your skin will get really dry if you do get gry skin use a facial moisturizer so that it wont be oily and clog the pores Tea leaf moisturizer works too cuz its light

hope I helped you
The effects of stress on skin?
You need to manage your stress better to clear your skin
Reply:First of all...chill out. That is really the number 1 thing to freshen your skin. Drink water, it really helps your complection. And, the best daily skin treatment is....

everyday, in the am and in the pm,

wash your face with a warm washcloth(water only)

wipe your face down with asstringent on a cotton ball

follow with facial lotion, try the kind for sensitive skin.

Do this every morning, after a shower, and at night before bed.
Reply:you need product containing glycolic acid

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