Friday, November 6, 2009

The skin eather side of my dads eyes os becoming darker, not sleepy dark, pigmented dark? Reasons please?

My dads skin is tanned, but he is white. His dad is black, but my dad only gets curly hair from him. Now my dad is 42 and the skin on eachside of his eyes (not underneath) like under where the end of an eyebrow ends, or if you have glasses about half way down the 'arms'. My mum recons that its just becoming more pigmented with old age, but my dads worried. I dont want him to go wacko jacko on me, cause he's talking about bleaching the dark spots away! Ahhhh! Please, does anyone know what this is? Thankyou!
The skin eather side of my dads eyes os becoming darker, not sleepy dark, pigmented dark? Reasons please?
The skin around the eyes is very thin. Sometimes, blood vessels become inflamed and appear very clearly under the thin skin. For this, he should cut back on any caffeine and/or alcohol.

Other times, nasal congestion is the problem - - if the nose is congested, veins that usually drain from your eyes into your nose become dilated and darker.

Still another reason could be more serious and due to digestive and endocrine issues - - there may be problems with the liver or kidney and the amount of toxins in the body. If you're into natural remedies, there are a number of herbal cleanses at any health food store in your area.

Now, whether your father only received certain traits from his father, he is still Black and darker pigmentation around his eyes could just be hereditary.

By all means, he should seek medical advice - - always better to play it safe!

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