Friday, November 6, 2009

Acne / skin firmness?

I am an 18 year old male and had some acne on my forehead that i popped, that i shouldn't have. The acne has subdued but has left me with some scarring. I was wondering if having and pooping spots could affect the firmness of of skin (on my forehead) and if my skin will return back to normal? i had it for under a year, and know now not to pop any i do get...also, can popping leave dents/cause dents in the actual skull bone, not just the skin? i have had some spots that scabbed over and left pinkish scars behing which are now brownish and have still not gone after a few months! how long do they take to fade and what can i do to even out my skin tone to match the ret of my skin which is good? sorry for all the questions and thanks for ne replys!
Acne / skin firmness?
Depending on the color of your skintone whether your caucasian , asian, south african etc. background. If your caucasian you have nothing to worry about. If your the latter you may have keloid scarring depending on the severity of the extractions. Keloid scarring is very difficult to treat. When treating pimples, if your tempted to extract them, do so in a hygienic, gentle manner and use an antiseptic cream after to prevent infection.

Piercing the skin is like opening a wound, and needs to be treated like one. Therefore it takes time and patience for a wound to heal, sometimes an end result is scarring. There are some very effective methods out there in helping treat scars such as laser, dermabrassion and facial peels. I believe laser would be most effective.

With present acne, its best to take good care of the skin using a gentle watersoluble cleanser (eg. cetaphil) avoid using those harsh acne cleansers such as clearasil as they tend to make things worse and dry out the skin, and treating current acne with an active ingredient such as 2.5 or 5% benzoyl peroxide (eg. panoxyl). For preventative measures using an spf 15/30+ suncream prevents noticeable scaring and hyper-pigmentation due to the extractions, the UV rays do not help at all when it comes to wound healing.
Acne / skin firmness?

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