Friday, November 6, 2009

How to I manage peeling skin?

I just got back from vacation and I was under the sun for a long time, and now my skin is peeling off. Is there a way to expediate the peeling because I don't want to have dead skin on my face whenever I go out. Is there a way to hide it? I just want to know if the peeling is normal and why the skin peels. Thanks!
How to I manage peeling skin?
If your face doesnt hurt from the sun burn anymore, you should buy an exfoliant and exfoliate twice a day. No more than that though. Usually I only reccomend exfoliation 3-4 times a week, but it will knock off the dead skin and increase your skin cell turn over rate. Also, invest in a deep moisturizer and apply at least twice a day to entire face.
How to I manage peeling skin?
Lotion keeps the skin moisturized and minimizes the peeling.

Should've worn that sunscreen!
Reply:I had sun burn really bad and I used something by neutrogena that really worked. You need to keep it moisturized otherwise you will keep peeling

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