Friday, November 6, 2009

How to get lighter skin?

I wanna get lighter skin because now that summer is almost here I'm gonna roast in the sun. I already have dark skin and I don't like it. It doesn't match me at all. Is there a cheap product that's under 20 bucks that I can buy to get my skin lighter?

Plz no BS about how I should just like my skin color and go with the flow because I don't
How to get lighter skin?
Use whitening products with any of the proven effective and safe ingredients: arbutin, licorice, kojic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, Vit. C, retinoic acid.

You should stretch out your budget a little more because faster results will be seen if you have a whitening soap, cream and lotion.

Ponds and Nivea have a wide range of whitening products. Look them up and choose what fits your budget.

Don't forget to apply sunblock 20-30 minutes prior to sun exposure.
How to get lighter skin?
stay out of the sun and i dont know what else except stay out of the sun or dont stay in it too long
Reply:wear sun screen or sumthn
Reply:try searching "lighter skin" in the bar above

one that seems good is
Reply:there's a product by fashion fair (makeup counter in major department stores) called Vantex. Its right around $20, and it lightens skin and has sunscreen too, I've been using it for years, and love it! You could probably buy it online too, if you just type in "fashion fair vantex cream"

Reply:there are asian soaps that have an ingredient to make ur skip lighter.....they usually have them in their grocery stores.

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