Friday, November 6, 2009

Help with skin tag!?

I have one under my tongue and looks like a piece of triangular skin protruding from the place where you put a thermometer under the tongue when you are sick. Is it an ulcer or a skin tag? What should I do now? Does it go away by itself?
Help with skin tag!?
I've never heard of someone having a skin tag in the mouth under the tongue. You should probably have your doctor check it out, it could be an ulcer.
Help with skin tag!?
no it doesn't go away by itself

only your doctor can remove it safely
Reply:Eww! Bet your not a good kisser. Get the sissors on it! Nah just kidding. If you've always had it, it's not an ulcer. It would have gone by now.
Reply:you have to go to the doctor or dentist and get it removed.Just dont worry though they'll give you something for the pain

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