Friday, November 6, 2009

Preparation H for under eye puffiness?

I'm wondering if this is damaging to the skin, and do you apply moisturizer over or under it?

Please only serious, educated answers.

Preparation H for under eye puffiness?
oldest trick of the trade - you don't need much - one part of preparation H to three part with your daily moisturizer mixed together - light application by patting around the eye area should help firm up the skin
Preparation H for under eye puffiness?
I heard it is bad for your skin and can be very harmful if it gets in your eye, they suggest the best remedy for puffy eyes is putting a cold press on it like cold cucumbers.
Reply:This trick is also great for minimizing blemishes! Use PrepH to reduce the size or swelling of the zit and Visine to get the red out!

Two words of wisdom... One, don't use it every day, just for special occasions or when it's REALLY bad... better to get more sleep and drink lots of water every day than to have to rely on PrepH. Two, only use the CREAM variety, not the ointment. The ointment is greasy and can clog pores and make your makeup run... It can also creep up into your eye causing SERIOUS irritation and damage! That's the LAST thing you want! Make sure not to use it if you know you're going to be sweating a lot like in a hot nightclub or outside in the sun.
Reply:Yup, it controls and reduces swelling. I also know of a product made by South Beach Skincare that works wonders on dark circles, under eye puffiness, sagging skin, and other premature aging concerns. It's really an all-in-one anti aging treatment moisturizer.

You can read a review at this anti aging skin care site. Check it out.

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