Friday, November 6, 2009

I wanna get lighter skin?

I wanna get lighter skin because now that summer is almost here I'm gonna roast in the sun. I already have dark skin and I don't like it. It doesn't match me at all. Is there a cheap product that's under 20 bucks that I can buy to get my skin lighter?

Plz no BS about how I should just like my skin color and go with the flow because I don't
I wanna get lighter skin?
wear sunscreen and ask some pharmacies or skin care specialists if they have any products or methods that could make your face appear more lighter and brighter becaus i have seen some creams in the pharmacy i go to that make you lighter
I wanna get lighter skin?
You poor child.
Reply:the only thing you could do is wear lots of sun screen, like 45 or higher
Reply:i would mess with any kind of chemicles to lighten your skin, just try some sort of scrub lotion/saop your skin is constanly replacing itself sheding off the old cells, so maybe the scrub would help speed up that process. on a lighter note i was in the marines ( always had a dark tan) and got put on a navy ship I work 7 pm to 7 am every day after a month i was white as a ghost i never saw the sun the whole month.
Reply:Call Michael Jackson, though I don't think his method is under $20.00 bucks.
Reply:Two words:


Don't do it, silly! You are beautiful the way the Good Lord planted ya!
Reply:I agree with poor child!
Reply:Hey, I don't know if you can lighten your skin, but you can keep it from getting darker by wearing sunscreen, spf of 45 and higher and applying it all day (every 2-3 hours) so no sun can seep through. Also, make sure to wear hats and light cover up clothes. I work for Neutrogena so I would suggest are spray on sunscreen so you can keep it wherever you go and spray it every few hours on your exposed skin. You know the only thing is just stay away from the sun when you should keep you from getting darker...

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