Saturday, October 10, 2009

What can anyone recommend for unclear skin? The more answers the better, I'm looking for any solution!!?

I have had issues with my skin and pimples for the last 2-3 years. I have bumps where the pimple is way under the skin, scars from previous pimples, and acne. I do not ever have clear skin. It used to be clear sometimes (like for 2-3 days) then breakout sometimes, but now it's ALL THE TIME. You guys are my only hope, I have tried a lot of things. I tried Proactive for 2 weeks and it seamed it was making it worse... I am using Dermologica now and it is not helping at all and I think it is also making it worse, I tried spot treatments and they never solve the problem, I tried cliniques entire line, I tried pretty much all the cheap stuff at Target, l even tried the basic stuff that dermatologists recommend like neutregena's antibacterial face wash and cetaphil antibacterial face wash. Please tell me what will help, Thank you...
What can anyone recommend for unclear skin? The more answers the better, I'm looking for any solution!!?
i feel for you, since uve prolly tried alot of store-products maybe some home-remedies can help you! go to the site i have below for ALOT of different ones and also:

get some bran and baking soda and mix in some water and paste it on ur face. let dry for 15 minutes then rinse with vinegar (yes vinegar)

put visine on about 10 q-tips and put them in a bag in the freezer, whenever you have a bad zit take one out of the freezer and hold it against the zit til all of it is melted this takes pain and redness out of the zit (you have alot in the freezer for when you need them RIGHT THEN!) it also helps reduce redness

dilute lemon juice with some water and rub it on your face mainly on the acne driven area, this improves circulation dries out the current acne, and killls germs and bacteria that cause acne.

wash your face wih some salt to clean your skin without aggrivating your acne

extract lemon juice and some rosewater put on face and leave for half an hour and wash off, after about 15 applications (i know its laot) your acne should reduce alot

also you said youve tried proactive, what about "acne-free" its a cheaper version, you can get it at walmart its about 20.00 cheaper than proactiv, it has similar ingredients but it works better for most ppl, i no ppl that tried proactive and it broke out their skin worse, but with "acne-free" their skin cleared up

get a tomatoe, get the "juice inside and rub on face

also if you use makeup i would advise you use neutrogena oli-fee foundation it covers up scars and blemishes great while its getting rid of it, out of all the products ive used this works great!!!!! it cut my blemishes in half, while its covering them up!!!

if u have any more questions dont hesitate to message me!!!!

good luck much鈾?br>What can anyone recommend for unclear skin? The more answers the better, I'm looking for any solution!!?
home remedies rarely ever work. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist Report It

Reply:I suffer with unclear skin also, the best solution is to try proactiv.
Reply:The best thing I have ever used was Aloe vera gel. You can buy it at Meijer's for $3.00. Use it at night and it dries fast. In the morning if I should have a problem spot I'll put it on again. It clears the skin the best. Good luck.
Reply:Do's and Don'ts of clear skin:


* Wash your face twice every day (morning and evening) with a salycyclic acid treatment like stridex pads (those are great!) or a foaming wash. It'll most likely say "salycyclic acid" on the front of the treatment.

* Put on a moisturizer at night - believe it or not, it actually prevents acne. Just make sure it's oil-free.

* Drink lots of water every day - it helps to hydrate skin.

* Try snacking on fruits like watermelon and blueberries, which have antioxidants that flush out impurities.

* Get 8-9 hours of sleep - most blemishes occur to sleepless nights.

* Use oil-blotting papers and school if your face is really oily - they'll help control oil without removing make-up. You can get them at places that sell skin products.


* Don't eat lots of sugar and fat - it contributes to your acne.

* Don't put on foundation unless if you have to - it clogs pores. If you are using it, try one that says "non-comedogenic" on it - that means it doesn't clog pores.

* Don't stay up all night - get some sleep!

* Don't wash your face more than three times a day - it may harm your skin.

* Don't mess around with zits on your face by pulling on them and scratching at them - just spot treat at night with a treatment made for spot treating (I like Oxy - it comes in a small white bottle). If you scratch at them, they may leave scars.

Good luck!
Reply:That must be tough---I can't think of anything to help that could help (sorry). But don't give up hope; there is TONS of poducts you can still use! If you really want......
Reply:Well i take this great cream duac once daily gel, it really does work!!
Reply:Try the Clear Advantage System. If you want a sample, email me. Find the products here...


Someone I know was using Proactiv and it made their skin worse. They tried just about everything and the Clear Advantage System was the only thing that worked for them. It may or may not work for you, but at this stage, it might be worth a try. And, I will send you a free sample if you want.

Email me.
Reply:I was in the same boat as you until I had someone tell my that it is more of a reaction then dirtiness. The more I touched my face, used products and washed the worse it got. I stopped all of it wash only with water and take fish oil (omega3,6) vitamins and now I occasionally get a pimples but they are very superficial and go away in 2 days without the pain and huge sore. Try it, you have nothing to lose, I didn't until I was 22 and wished I would have sooner it would have saved lots of scaring.
Reply:read tips on treating acne and more on skincare on this site
Reply:2 words PRO-ACTIVE!!!!! Its the best i'd put my life on it. i have used it for 5 years and my face is constintly competly clear!!! ya its 45.90 every 8 weeks but its so so so so so worth it. give it a chance to work i felt that way to at first. but use it right only use it ONCE a day and use the face wash with warm water, then towel dry with a CLEAN towel and use the toner let it dry completly on your face then use the lotion. the lotion is the key!!!! give it a month if it doesnt improve stop using it but if that dont work i dont know what to tell you girl cuz that the BEST stuff out there
Reply:Hi ,

I know how you must be feeling .I would recommend you to have a good facial at a reputed spa once. I know it would be costly but its better than spending money in all cheap stuff. The facial is called alpha -beta facial or also a acne management facial . It costs depends on the spa.

i go to a european spa they charge me 100$. But its really worth the money ,becoz they remove the scars and help in clearing the skin . but again you have to go in for another facial after 4 mths..but it really helps the skin .

and please don't use every product you find in the market.

Try using philosophy or aveda products. Follow a regular regime of using a cleanser morn and evening and applying oil-free moisturizer. and keep your hands off the face.

all the best ...!
Reply:Keep with the proactiv... don't give up on it after just a few weeks, sometimes- especially if you've had acne for several years- it takes time to work. If you're looking for a quick fix, I have found that Clearasil Ultra face wash is great.. I had a weird line of bumps, almost like a rash, along my jaw line for about 7 years, never knew what it was...starting using Clearasil Ultra and it went away almost completely in about 5 days.

Try not to switch products too often... face wash, soap, shampoo, makeup... changing any of it can cause a breakout. I would also recommend trying to isolate if it's something external causing it. Have you been using the same foundation since you started breaking out? Maybe you're allergic to it.

Drink lots of water, too... water will flush out any impurities and make your skin look healthier.

Or just consult a dermatologist. That's what they're there for!

Good luck to you.
Reply:I actually tried proactive but you have to use it everyday because when you miss one or two days your pimples come back very quickly. It works but I have sensitive skin and it was irritating my face so I had to stop using it. If proactive doesn't work I would recommend seeing a dermatologist
Reply:I will tell you the ONLY thing that has helped my skin.

Try Porefection Cleanser from Avon.

Porefection cleanse is about 8 dollars a bottle. Wash your face twice daily with it (more if you can). I use it in the shower to wash my face fisr thing in the morning. It won;t irritate the skin, it will clean and won;t overdry your skin. It will get all the oil and make up so it doubles up as a makeup remover.

Then follow up with OXY acne pads. I use the 2% with alcohol. (black bottle with red letters). After washing my face with Porefection, I use 1 or 2 pads. It leaves a thin coat of acne medicine and it doesn;t clog the pores like the spot treatments or creams and gels. You can apply it to all the face, make sure that you get the skin close to your hairline as well.

Do this in the morning before applying make up and before going to bed at night, Skip facial cream for a while and foundation. Try powder make up only for a while, or better,no make up at all.

Clean your hands before even touching your skin.

Change your pillow case often. Oil and bacteria accumulate there and when you lay on it, it starts all over again,

I hope this helps, it has been the only thing that helped me after trying everything.
Reply:First off, whatever method you choose to try you need to stick with it for at least two MONTHS to find out whether it works or not.

Secondly, I've tried Proactiv and Clinique and it didn't work for me. I recommend going to see a Dermatologist if you can. There are a lot of oral antibiotics that you can take for acne (as long as you aren't trying to get pregnant, which is my problem).

Third, I recommend Neutrogena products. Use the Clear Pore acne wash/mask in the morning with the Oil-Free Moisture SPF 15 to protect your skin. Then go with an exfoliant in the evening like the Oil-Free Acne Scrub/Mask. For spot treatment I like the Rapid Clear gel.

Fourth, and this is the MOST IMPORTANT part, you need to drink a lot of water and eat a lot of vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, etc. While it is a myth that chocolate and french fries cause acne, it is true that what you put in your body is reflected on your face. I notice that if I eat a lot of baby carrots and drink water (or crystal light) my skin is a lot clearer.

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