Saturday, October 10, 2009

Under one of my nipples has gotten larger?

My left nipples, well under it and around it, has gotten a little bigger. It is a little red, hurts a little when I press on it. It is like a dougnut under my skin that surrounds the nipples. I started taking some meds for lasik surgury and some multi-vitimens. Could these cause a lump like this? im sure it is not cancer, since it is not a small random bump. Some input would be much appriecated.
Under one of my nipples has gotten larger?
It is most likely an ingrown chest hair.

BTW, 1% of breast cancers occur in men.
Under one of my nipples has gotten larger?
check with doctor
Reply:Tell your significant other to work on each equally...
Reply:see your doctor ,
Reply:If you are a teenager it may be part of normal puberty but you should see a doctor
Reply:You really do need to see a doctor to get this checked out....
Reply:Sounds like it could be gynaecomastia. Benign breast tissue development in men.

But defintely get it checked, to rule out anything more serious.

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