Saturday, October 10, 2009

My skin sucks!!?

My skin is very oily. I have tried everything!! Also, I break out right before my period and then it takes a month for them to go away and by that time it is here again. I have blackheads, whiteheads, those under the skin zits, and regular zits. HELP!!
My skin sucks!!?

1. avoid wearing too much make-up. when you do wear make-up only wear a LITTLE.

2. before you go to sleep, wash your face with hot water. try cetaphil gentle skin cleanser and olay smooth skin exfoliating scrub. then wash of with cold water.

3. avoid eating oily foods. try eating healthier foods like fruits and veggies. also drink lots of water.

4. try not to stay up late. it is good to at least have 8 hours of sleep because believe it or not, the skin actually rejuvinates itself while we are sleeping.

5. never ever try to pop your zits. THAT IS A BIG NO-NO. that leaves "zit scars".

6. don't stress over the zits soo much. everybody gets them. and stress just gives you more zits.

hope that helps. =)
My skin sucks!!?
good now you realized it.....******* ****!!!!that's why you doesn't have any boyfriend!!!!! Report It

Reply:Go to the dermatologist. I had the same issue ,but now my skin is perfection. The sooner you go the better because acne can cause permanent scaring.
Reply:My friend uses the Proactive skincare system and his skin has improved dramaticaly. Getting breakouts right before your period is normal, and unfortunately cannot be completely avoided. Over the years I have found products that are water-based, and not oil based are best for oily skin prone to breakouts. Also, if you're using anti-acne washes and products that contain salicylic acids, it is possible that you're irritating your skin even more. those products are very drying, and although they do dry up zits, they can make the ret of of your skin look red and irritated.
Reply:Take a bath every day with pretty hot water, and turn it down all the way to cold when you're almost done. Hot opens pores and cleans them, cold closes them.
Reply:i have the same problem as you!! Use these two products they are completley FANTASTIC!! It clears up you zits/pimples and moisturizes you face. The two products are Neutrogena Deep Clean Gentle Scrub and Neutrogena Deep Clean Cream Cleanser. These r THE BEST products and for best results use the gentle scrub before the cream clenser. I hoped this helped!!

Here's a website so you know what the product looks like and some reviews on it
Reply:i know it does!
Reply:I hear your pain... I used to have very oily skin and suffer acne outbreaks too. I tried using all the major medications to get rid of it, to no avail. Here is what *DID* work for me:

1) Drinking 8-10 glasses of water/day. This will help flush toxins out of your body and substantially reduce the excess oil on you face. Give it time, you will see results in a few weeks. I learned that most people are chronically dehydrated, and one way your body shows symptoms of this dehydration is by creating excess sebum (oil).

2) Eat lots of fiber. Again, helps with flushing out toxins. Think fruits, vegetable, bran etc. Aim for 20-30grams/day

3) Take a Vitamin A supplement or eats food rich in Vitamin A - like carrots. Vitamin A plays a vital role in skin health. For instance, the active ingredient in Retin-A is..... drumroll.... Vitamin A

Stick to these three easy dietary changes and you will see exceleent results, I know I did.
Reply:I wanted to know have you ever tried Proactiv because that is what I am using for my oily skin and pimples and it is helping. With any medication remember that you need to understand that it needs to go through the healing process. Proactiv is very good on my skin doesn't dry it out and has been working for me. Remember though people need to stick with a product and need to work to get clear skin. Even when the skin is clear it still needs to have Proactiv to keep the condition from coming back.
Reply:Have you tried Mary Kay. I find that if you have a consultant she will definitely work with you to find a solution for you. I have actually given product to customers so they get to try it before they buy it. I absolutely want all my customers to be happy!
Reply:go to a doctor and get help imediatley this is a very serious condition. i dont remember what its called, but my friend had it and he almost died, but he saw a doctor and got help for it in time. please all you will need to take is medication once a day depending on the seriousness. good luck and go as soon as you can!!!

hope you get better.
Reply:talk to your docter
Reply:this is what i do.

make sure your makeup isn't causing your problem. i'm pretty sure mine was. so now i use a light tinted moisturizer.

wash your face twice a day with cetaphil. it's gentle and gets the job done.

use a toner like witch hazel or burt's bees has a good one.

try using st.ives blemish and blackhead clearing scrub a 2-3 times a week.

use a moisturizer. i use one from olay.
Reply:My skin is really oily, too. However, rest assured, that zits won't last forever. Try using two products in the shower each day and at night: 1. one w/ salicylic acid like St. Ives scrub and then 2.) one w/ benzoyl peroxide like Oxy Acne wash. Then, before you put on makeup (if you are a girl), put a thin layer of milk of magnesia on your skin to dry up the oil. The effects of the milk of magnesia will last for the better part of the day. It's truly amazing. For $4 a bottle, it doesn't hurt to try for yourself. Put a thicker layer on at night and sleep with it.


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