Saturday, October 10, 2009

Clay facial mask under eyes?

I once read in a magazine that putting some of your facial clay mask under eyes will reduce puffiness under eyes, but I was wondering, is that really safe, especially since your under eye skin is so delicate? I normally use Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque, and that dries pretty hard, is it safe to use it under your eyes?
Clay facial mask under eyes?
A de-puffing serum would probably be better than a mask... sometimes you have to scrub at masks to get them off, so I'm sure if you used it under your eye %26amp; had to scrub, you'd be even more puffy than when you started!
Clay facial mask under eyes?
not recomended.
Reply:I would not put clay mask under your eyes. As you said that area is very delicate and needs all the moisture it can get. Clay tends to dry out skin. Hope this helps
Reply:no it doesn't. i also use a facial clay mask except around the eyes. if u want to reduce dark circles or puffiness buy chanel's age delay for the eyes it did work on my eyes...

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